Surname | Name | Description | Location | Dy | Mo | Year | Event/Charge | Nature of Suffering |
Affon | George | of Bloxham | 1670 | For attending meetings | Goods taken to pay fine | |||
Affon | John | Burford | 13 | 1 | 1660 | Refusal to take Oath of Allegiance | 7 weeks in Oxford Gaol | |
Alcock | Hannah | 1658 | Exhortations and reproofs of priests | Imprisoned several times | ||||
Alcock | John | Banbury | 11 | 1 | 1660 | Refused to take Oath of Allegiance | Banbury Gaol | |
Alcock | John | of Shutford | 1675 | Refusing to swear when called to serve on a jury | Goods taken | |||
Alcock | John | of Shutford | 1678 | For tithes | £3 worth of goods taken | |||
Allen | Abraham | Burford | 1662 | Unlawful assembly at Burford | Imprisoned | |||
Arris | William | 1674 | For attending meetings | Goods taken | ||||
Aston | George | Milcomb? | 1662 | Attendance at Friends Meeting | Fined | |||
Audland | Anne | Banbury | 1654 | Blasphemy for speaking out against false worship and calling priest a false prophet | Imprisoned and tried. Jury found her guilty of a misdemeanor. | |||
Badger | Abraham | Oxford | 1662 | Refusal to take Oath of Allegiance | Imprisoned at Oxford | |||
Bailey | George | of London | 1658 | Detained for visiting Friends in Banbury Gaol | 3 days in gaol | |||
Ball | Jonathan | Banbury | 11 | 1 | 1660 | Refused to take Oath of Allegiance | Banbury Gaol | |
Ball | Nathanael | Banbury | 1655 | Public assembly | Imprisoned | |||
Ball | Nathanael | Banbury | 11 | 1 | 1660 | Refused to take Oath of Allegiance | Banbury Gaol | |
Ball | Nathanael | Banbury | 1662 | Attendance at Friends Meeting | Fined | |||
Ball | Nathanael | 1665 | Taken from meeting at Nor-Newton | Committed to House of Corrections for 1 month | ||||
Ball | Nathanael | of North Newtown | 1678 | For tithes | £20 worth of corn taken | |||
Ball | Nathanael | of North Newtown | 1689 | For prædial tithes | Corn, hay and other things taken | |||
Barrett | Christopher | Banbury | 11 | 1 | 1660 | Refused to take Oath of Allegiance | Banbury Gaol | |
Barrett | Christopher | Banbury | 1662 | Attendance at Friends Meeting | Fined | |||
Barrett | Christopher | 1670 | For attending meetings | Goods taken to pay fine | ||||
Barrett | Christopher | 1674 | For attending meetings | Goods taken | ||||
Barrett | Christopher | at Adderbury | 1689 | For prædial tithes | Corn, hay and other things taken | |||
Barrett | Peter | 10 | 1665 | Attendance at meeting at Milcomb | Imprisoned for 3 months for refusal to pay £5 fine | |||
Barrett | Peter | 1666 | For attendance at Friends meeting | Imprisoned | ||||
Baylis | Thomas | Banbury | 11 | 1 | 1660 | Refused to take Oath of Allegiance | Banbury Gaol | |
Benham | John | 1672 | Released from Oxford Gaol on letters patent by the King | |||||
Bennett | Godfrey | 1672 | Released from Oxford Gaol on letters patent by the King | |||||
Bennett | Jeffery | Burford | 1662 | Unlawful assembly at Burford | Imprisoned | |||
Besley | Thomas | 1672 | Released from Oxford Gaol on letters patent by the King | |||||
Betteris | Jane | A poor widow | 1670 | Fined for attending meeting | Officer paid fine out of compassion having lately had her possessions seized. | |||
Betteris | John | Burford | 1662 | Unlawful assembly at Burford | Imprisoned | |||
Betteris | Richard | (Oxford) | 1658 | Exhortations and reproofs of priests | Imprisoned several times | |||
Betteris | Richard | Oxford | 1662 | Taken from meeting in his own house | Committed to Bocardo Prison at Oxford without written Mittimus, imprisoned 13 weeks. | |||
Betteris | Richard | Oxford | 1670 | For holding a meeting at his house | Fined £20 for which £30 in goods taken. | |||
Biddle | Hester | of London | Banbury | 1656 | Words against mayor & magistrates | Imprisoned | ||
Bignall | Elizabeth | 15 | 12 | 1667 | Taken from meeting | To Bridewell Prison for 1 month | ||
Birkenhead | Christopher | of Bristol | Banbury | 1658 | Detained for visiting Friends in Banbury Gaol | 3 days in gaol | ||
Bolt | John | Henley | 19 | 6 | 1663 | Taken from Meeting by sergeant | Released after 1 night in prison | |
Boucher | Edward | of Milcomb | 1659 | Refusal to pay tithes | Imprisonment in Oxford Gaol | |||
Bourton | John | 1674 | For attending meetings | Goods taken | ||||
Box | Anne | 15 | 12 | 1667 | Taken from meeting | To Bridewell Prison for 1 month | ||
Bracey | James | Oxford | 28 | 12 | 1684 | Being in silent worship in meeting house | Taken to Mayor and released on promise to appear at next Sessions | |
Bracey | James | Oxford | 15 | 1 | 1684/5 | Taken again while in silent worship | Imprisoned; refuse to enter into a recognizance, sent back to prison | |
Broughton | Thomas | Oxford | 28 | 12 | 1684 | Being in silent worship in meeting house | Taken to Mayor and released on promise to appear at next Sessions | |
Broughton | Thomas | Oxford | 15 | 1 | 1684/5 | Taken again while in silent worship | Imprisoned; refuse to enter into a recognizance, sent back to prison | |
Brown | Roger | 1666 | Chosen Assessor of land Tax, he refused to remove his hat and then to swear Oath of Allegiance | 16 days in gaol | ||||
Busby | Judith | 15 | 12 | 1667 | Taken from meeting | To Bridewell Prison for 1 month | ||
Butcher | Edward | Banbury | 11 | 1 | 1660 | Refused to take Oath of Allegiance | Banbury Gaol | |
Butcher | Edward | Banbury | 1662 | Attendance at Friends Meeting | Fined | |||
Butcher | John | Great Tew | 1689 | For prædial tithes | Corn, hay and other things taken | |||
Butcher | Susanna | Widow of Milcomb | 1679 | Suit by priest of Widdington for tithes | Had a cart, corn and other things taken valued at £14 7s. 8d. | |||
Butcher | Thomas | Banbury | 1662 | Attendance at Friends Meeting | Fined | |||
Butler | John | Burford | 13 | 1 | 1660 | Refusal to take Oath of Allegiance | 7 weeks in Oxford Gaol | |
Butler | John | 1662 | Non-attendance at church | Distressed goods | ||||
Burroughs | William | of Geydon, Warks | Banbury | 1658 | Son and daughter going to meeting in Banbury | Had horses seized worth £12 | ||
Carpenter | James | Warwick | 1663 | Refusal to take Oath of Allegiance | 8 ½ years in prison | |||
Churchill | Jonathan | Banbury | 1662 | Attendance at Friends Meeting | Fined | |||
Churchill | Jonathan | Banbury | 1662 | Refusal to take Oath of Allegiance | Imprisoned at Banbury | |||
Claridge | Thomas | Banbury | 11 | 1 | 1660 | Refused to take Oath of Allegiance | Banbury Gaol | |
Clark | Mary | Oxford | 28 | 12 | 1684 | Being in silent worship in meeting house | Taken to Mayor and released on promise to appear at next Sessions | |
Clark | Mary | Oxford | 15 | 1 | 1684/5 | Taken again while in silent worship | Imprisoned; refuse to enter into a recognizance, sent back to prison | |
Clifford | Thomas | Banbury | 11 | 1 | 1660 | Refused to take Oath of Allegiance | Banbury Gaol | |
Clinton | Richard | of Woosum Mill | Oxford | 11 | 1662 | Unlawfull assembly | Imprisoned, where he fell ill, and died shortly after release | |
Coale | Joseph | Henley | 19 | 6 | 1663 | Taken from Meeting by sergeant | Released after 1 night in prison | |
Coates | Mary | Banbury | 1655 | Reproving vices of mayor & magistrates | Imprisoned overnight | |||
Cole | Thomas | Banbury | 1654 | Not taking hat off at Anne Audland trial | Fined £5 and imprisoned | |||
Cole | Thomas | Banbury | 11 | 1 | 1660 | Refused to take Oath of Allegiance | Banbury Gaol | |
Cole | Thomas | Banbury | 1662 | Attendance at Friends Meeting | Fined | |||
Cole | Thomas | Banbury | 8 | 1664 | Taken from meeting at Banbury | Imprisoned for 6 weeks | ||
Cole | William | of Charlbury | Charlbury | 2 | 1657 | Refusal to pay tithes; refusal to take oath | Imprisoned until he died. Goods worth £20 seized for £5 demanded in tithes, | |
Coleman | Walter | 1662 | Non-attendance at church | Distressed goods | ||||
Dalby | Richard | Burford | 13 | 1 | 1660 | Refusal to take Oath of Allegiance | 7 weeks in Oxford Gaol | |
Davis | Joseph | 1672 | Released from Oxford Gaol on letters patent by the King | |||||
Day | Richard | Nether Heyford | 1689 | For prædial tithes | Corn, hay and other things valued at £3 taken | |||
Deane | Thomas | of Hook Norton | 28 | 4 | 1679 | For tithes of £2 2s. 6d. claimed by priest | Died in prison after 3 months | |
Doyly | Bray | of Adderbury | 1661 | Refusal to pay 13 s. in tithes | Cow worth £3 10 s taken from him | |||
Doyly | Bray | 1661 | Outlawry against him for tithes | 2 cows worth £7 taken from him | ||||
Doyly | Bray | Banbury | 1662 | Attendance at Friends Meeting | Fined | |||
Doyly | Bray | 1670 | For attending meetings | Goods taken to pay fine | ||||
Doyly | Bray | of Adderbury | 1674 | For attending meetings | 5 cows and 56 sheep worth £32 | |||
Doyly | Bray | Adderbury | 1689 | For prædial tithes | Corn, hay and other things taken | |||
Dring | Elizabeth | 15 | 12 | 1667 | Taken from meeting | To Bridewell Prison for 1 month | ||
Dring | Francis | Burford | 13 | 1 | 1660 | Refusal to take Oath of Allegiance | 7 weeks in Oxford Gaol | |
Dring | Francis | of Brize Norton | 1662 | Non-attendance at church. His father was the vicar. | Excommunicated | |||
Dring | Francis | 1662 | Non-attendance at church | Distressed goods | ||||
Dring | Francis | Oxford | 11 | 1662 | Unlawful assembly | Fined £5 for which goods taken | ||
Dring | Francis | of Brize Norton | 1675 | For attending Friends meetings | Linen worth 13 s. 9 d. | |||
Drinkwater | Edward | 1662 | Non-attendance at church | Distressed goods | ||||
Drinkwater | Edward | of Gaging-Well | 1663 | Refusal to pay 30 s. in tithes | 3 horses worth £18 taken | |||
Drinkwater | Edward | 10 | 1665 | Attendance at meeting at Milcomb | Imprisoned for 5 months for refusal to pay £5 fine | |||
Drinkwater | Edward | 1666 | For attendance at Friends meeting | Imprisoned | ||||
Drinkwater | Edward | of Enstone | 1667 | Failure to pay £5 15s in tithes | £25 worth of goods taken | |||
Drinkwater | Edward | 1671 | Failure to pay £16 12 s. in tithes for past 3 years | Goods worth £35 4s. taken. | ||||
Drinkwater | Edward | 1672 | Non-payment of tithes | Goods taken to the value of £10 10 s. | ||||
Drinkwater | Edward | 1672 | For unpaid tithes | 4 cows and 3 sheep taken | ||||
Eccles | Solomon | 1667 | Taken from meeting | 3 months in County Gaol | ||||
Edwards | William | Burford | 13 | 1 | 1660 | Refusal to take Oath of Allegiance | 7 weeks in Oxford Gaol | |
Esmead | Margaret | Witney | 1666 | Taken at meeting at home of Elizabeth White at Coggs near Witney | Committed to House of Corrections for 1 month | |||
Esmead | Margaret | 1670 | For attending meetings | Goods taken to pay fine | ||||
Esmead | Margaret | 1675 | For attending Friends meetings | Goods taken | ||||
Evans | John | of Great Tew | Milcomb | 1662 | Taken from meeting for non-attendance at church | 6 weeks in Oxford Gaol and fined £5 at Session for which 2 cows worth £6 were taken | ||
Evans | William | Banbury | 11 | 1 | 1660 | Refused to take Oath of Allegiance | Banbury Gaol | |
Falkner | Thomas | Oxford | 28 | 12 | 1684 | Being in silent worship in meeting house | Taken to Mayor and released on promise to appear at next Sessions | |
Falkner | Thomas | Oxford | 15 | 1 | 1684/5 | Taken again while in silent worship | Imprisoned; refuse to enter into a recognizance, sent back to prison | |
Fardon | Thomas | 1678 | For tithes of £5 demanded by priest of Broughton | Imprisoned and corn taken from him valued at £7 | ||||
Farnworth | Richard | Banbury | 1658 | Refused hat honour to mayor William Allen | Gaoled overnight and offered to be released if he would pay gaoler’s fee and leave town. Refused Oath of Abjuration gaoled for 6 months. | |||
Faxon | Thomas | Sibford | 1689 | For prædial tithes | Corn, hay and other things taken | |||
Fernham | John | Witney | 1666 | Taken at meeting at home of Elizabeth White at Coggs near Witney | Committed to House of Corrections for 1 month | |||
Fernham | John | 1670 | For attending meetings | Goods taken to pay fine | ||||
Field | Thomas | 25 | 8 | 1669 | Taken at meeting at Milton. Appeared at Quarter Sessions with hat on and fined 5 Marks which he refused to pay | Imprisoned for 6 months | ||
Fletcher | Elizabeth | North-Country woman | Oxford | 1654 | Public Testimony | Beaten & abused by students; sent to Bocardo Prison and severly whipped. She died soon after. | ||
Fletcher | Thomas | Oxford | 28 | 12 | 1684 | Being in silent worship in meeting house | Taken to Mayor and released on promise to appear at next Sessions | |
Fletcher | Thomas | Oxford | 15 | 1 | 1684/5 | Taken again while in silent worship | Imprisoned; refuse to enter into a recognizance, sent back to prison | |
Fletcher | Thomas | Middle Barton | 1689 | For prædial tithes | Corn, hay and other things worth 8s. taken | |||
Flexney | Thomas | Sibford | 1689 | For prædial tithes | Corn, hay and other things taken | |||
Forrest | Walter | 1675 | For attending Friends meetings | Goods taken | ||||
Franklin | Anne | 15 | 12 | 1667 | Taken from meeting | To Bridewell Prison for 1 month | ||
Franklin | Edward | 1670 | Fined for attending meeting | Having no goods, sent to Bridewell Prison for 9 days. | ||||
Franklin | William | Witney | 1666 | Taken at meeting at home of Elizabeth White at Coggs near Witney | Committed to House of Corrections for 1 month | |||
Freebody | Margaret | of King’s Hutton | 1658 | Exhortations and reproof of priests | Imprisoned several times | |||
Freeman | Joseph | Oxford | 28 | 12 | 1684 | Being in silent worship in meeting house | Taken to Mayor and released on promise to appear at next Sessions | |
Freeman | Joseph | Oxford | 15 | 1 | 1684/5 | Taken again while in silent worship | Imprisoned; refuse to enter into a recognizance, sent back to prison | |
French | Thomas | of Upper Norton | 1657 | Suit for 11 s in tithes | Imprisoned 42 months | |||
French | Thomas | Banbury | 1662 | Refusal to take Oath of Allegiance | Imprisoned | |||
French | Thomas | Witney | 1666 | Taken at meeting at home of Elizabeth White at Coggs near Witney | Committed to House of Corrections for 1 month | |||
Garner | John | 1674 | For attending meetings | Goods taken | ||||
Gibbs | Jacob | Burford | 13 | 1 | 1660 | Refusal to take Oath of Allegiance | 7 weeks in Oxford Gaol | |
Gilkes | Mary | of Bloxham | 1664 | Refusal to pay 25s in tithes | 2 cows worth £6 taken | |||
Gilpin (Gilping) | Thomas | of Warborough | 1660 | Refusal to take Oath of Allegiance | 7 weeks in custody of Marshall of Oxford | |||
Gilpin (Gilping) | Thomas | of Warborough | 29 | 5 | 1670 | For holding a meeting at his house | Fined £20 | |
Gilpin (Gilping) | Thomas | 26 | 6 | 1670 | For holding a meeting at his house | Officers broke into his house and removed all his household goods. They later returned to take his corn when harvested and two pigs for a total value of £11. | ||
Gilpin (Gilping) | Thomas | 1672 | Released from Oxford Gaol on letters patent by the King | |||||
Gilpin (Gilping) | Thomas | 1689 | For prædial tithes | Corn, hay and other things worth £4 1s. 6d. taken | ||||
Goodenough | John | Witney | 1666 | Taken at meeting at home of Elizabeth White at Coggs near Witney | Committed to House of Corrections for 1 month | |||
Goodenough | John | 1670 | For attending meetings | Fined | ||||
Goodyear | Thomas | 1660 | Refusal to take Oath of Allegiance | Sentenced to praemunire, forfeiture of all land and property & imprisoned. | ||||
Grafton | John Sr. | Epwell | 1689 | For prædial tithes | Corn, hay and other things taken | |||
Grafton | Richard | Epwell | 1689 | For prædial tithes | Corn, hay and other things taken | |||
Green | Alexander | Oxford | 1662 | Refusal to take Oath of Allegiance | Imprisoned at Oxford | |||
Green | Alexander | Burford | 1662 | Unlawful assembly at Burford | Imprisoned | |||
Green | Isaac | Banbury | 11 | 1 | 1660 | Refused to take Oath of Allegiance | Banbury Gaol | |
Green | Isaac | of Tadmarton | 1667 | Refusal to pay 10s. in tithes | £4 worth of goods taken | |||
Greenaway | Thomas | Burford | 13 | 1 | 1660 | Refusal to take Oath of Allegiance | 7 weeks in Oxford Gaol | |
Guliver | John | Banbury | 1660 | Refusal to pay for repairs of church in Banbury | Excommunicated. | |||
Guliver | John | Banbury | 1 | 1660 | Refusal to take Oath of Allegiance | Committed to Oxford Gaol | ||
Guliver | John | Banbury | 8 | 1664 | Taken from meeting at Banbury | Imprisoned for 6 weeks | ||
Guliver | John | 9 | 1665 | Arrested with Edward Vivers without charges | Imprisoned for 2 ¼ years during which his wife died | |||
Hall | Leonard | Banbury | 11 | 1 | 1660 | Refused to take Oath of Allegiance | Banbury Gaol | |
Hancock | George | Burford | 13 | 1 | 1660 | Refusal to take Oath of Allegiance | 7 weeks in Oxford Gaol | |
Hancock | George | Oxford | 11 | 1662 | Unlawful assembly | Fined £5 for which goods taken | ||
Hancock | George | 25 | 8 | 1669 | Taken at meeting at Milton. Appeared at Quarter Sessions with hat on and fined 5 Marks which he refused to pay | Imprisoned for 6 months and distress made on his goods to pay fine | ||
Harman | Edward | Oxford | 1662 | Refusal to take Oath of Allegiance | Imprisoned at Oxford | |||
Harman | Edward | of Berkshire | Oxford | 1663 | Refusal to take Oath of Allegiance when visiting Friends in Oxford Gaol | Committed to City Prison for 1 ½ years | ||
Harris | Alexander | 1657 | Refusal to pay tithes | Imprisoned 3 ½ years. Released so that he would not die there, but distrained corn off his land annually “in Quantities they pleased.” | ||||
Harris | Alexander | Oxford | 11 | 1662 | Unlawful assembly | Fined; £7 10 worth of goods taken | ||
Harris | Alexander | 15 | 7 | 1683 | Fined for allowing meeting in house he owned in Milton | Hay and wood valued at £8 | ||
Harris | John | Burford | 13 | 1 | 1660 | Refusal to take Oath of Allegiance | 7 weeks in Oxford Gaol | |
Harris | John | Oxford | 11 | 1662 | Unlawful assembly | Fined £5 | ||
Harris | John | 1665 | Taken from meeting at Milton | Imprisoned 13 weeks | ||||
Harris | John | 1675 | For attending Friends meetings | Goods taken | ||||
Harris | Thomas | Burford | 13 | 1 | 1660 | Refusal to take Oath of Allegiance | 7 weeks in Oxford Gaol | |
Hart | John | 1675 | For attending Friends meetings | Goods taken | ||||
Haslewood | Bathia | of Borton | Cropredy | 1658 | Exhortations and reproof of priests | Ill-treated by populace; Imprisoned several times | ||
Hastings | John | of Swaford | 1665 | Refusal to pay £1 10s. in tithes | 2 horses worth £6 taken | |||
Hastings | John | of Swarford | 1667 | Refusal to pay £3 in tithes | £13 worth of goods taken | |||
Hastings | John | of Swarford | 1677 | Failure to pay tithes | Imprisoned | |||
Hastings | Mary | 15 | 12 | 1667 | Taken from meeting | To Bridewell Prison for 1 month | ||
Hawtyn | William | of Epwell | 1674 | For tithes claimed of £3 | 6 cows worth £18 | |||
Hawtyn | William | Epwell | 1689 | For prædial tithes | Corn, hay and other things taken | |||
Hayhurst | Cuthbert | Oxford | 1668 | For preaching at house of Richard Betteris | 1 month in City Prison | |||
Haynes | John | of Banbury | Banbury | 2 | 1 | 1684/5 | For giving “exhortation” at burial | Fined £20 and had goods valued at £22 taken |
Hayward | Jeremy | Oxford | 1654 | Public testimony | Imprisonment | |||
Hayward | Jeremy | Oxford | 1654 | Reproving Chancellor for persecutions | 33 weeks in county gaol | |||
Hayward | Jeremy | Oxford | 1662 | Refusal to take Oath of Allegiance | Imprisoned at Oxford | |||
Hayward | Jeremy | Oxford | 11 | 1662 | Refused Oath of Allegiance while attending trial of their friends | Imprisoned | ||
Heavens [Leavens] | Elizabeth | North-Country | Oxford | 1654 | Public Testimony | Beaten & abused by students; sent to Bocardo Prison and severly whipped | ||
Hedges | William | 29 | 10 | 1665 | Taken at a meeting | Sentenced to 3 months in prison | ||
Hemings | William | Epwell | 1689 | For prædial tithes | Corn, hay and other things taken | |||
Hihorne | John | Banbury | 18 | 1 | 1684/5 | For attending meeting in the home of John Parsons | Goods valued at £1 16s. taken | |
Hihorness | Richard | Banbury | 1660 | Refused to take Oath of Allegiance | Banbury Gaol | |||
Hihorness | Richard | Banbury | 1662 | Attendance at Friends Meeting | Fined | |||
Hill | Andrew | Banbury | 1684 | For absence from National Worship | Fined | |||
Hill | Andrew | Banbury | 18 | 1 | 1684/5 | For attending meeting in the home of John Parsons | Goods valued at £9 taken | |
Hill | David | Banbury | 1684 | For absence from National Worship | Fined | |||
Hill | David | Banbury | 18 | 1 | 1684/5 | For attending meeting in the home of John Parsons | Goods valued at £9 taken | |
Hill | John | Burford | 13 | 1 | 1660 | Refusal to take Oath of Allegiance | 7 weeks in Oxford Gaol | |
Hill | Ralph | Adderbury | 1689 | For prædial tithes | Corn, hay and other things taken | |||
Hill | William | Burford | 13 | 1 | 1660 | Refusal to take Oath of Allegiance | 7 weeks in Oxford Gaol | |
Hodges | Thomas | Banbury | 1660 | Refused to take Oath of Allegiance | Banbury Gaol | |||
Hodges | William | Banbury | 11 | 1 | 1660 | Refused to take Oath of Allegiance | Banbury Gaol | |
Holcroft | John | 1674 | For attending meetings | Goods taken | ||||
Holliman | Richard | Miller of “Cooksam“ (Cuxham) | 1675 | Having been convinced, left the established church, charged as a heretic | Priest had his landlord Justice Gregory turn him out of his mill and goods taken worth 24s. as a fine | |||
Hookes | Ellis | Stanton-Harcourt | 1658 | Refused hat honour to Sir William Waller while visiting mother residing there | Beaten | |||
Hughes | Elizabeth | Oxford | 28 | 12 | 1684 | Being in silent worship in meeting house | Taken to Mayor and released on promise to appear at next Sessions | |
Hughes | Elizabeth | Oxford | 15 | 1 | 1684/5 | Taken again while in silent worship | Imprisoned; refuse to enter into a recognizance, sent back to prison | |
Hughes | John | 1684 | Refusal to pay several fines | Imprisoned | ||||
Hunt | John | Oxford | 28 | 12 | 1684 | Being in silent worship in meeting house | Taken to Mayor and released on promise to appear at next Sessions | |
Hunt | John | Oxford | 15 | 1 | 1684/5 | Taken again while in silent worship | Imprisoned; refuse to enter into a recognizance, sent back to prison | |
Jefferson | John | Burford | 13 | 1 | 1660 | Refusal to take Oath of Allegiance | 7 weeks in Oxford Gaol | |
Jefferson | John | 1675 | For attending Friends meetings | Goods taken | ||||
King | Ellen | Witney | 1666 | Taken at meeting at home of Elizabeth White at Coggs near Witney | Committed to House of Corrections for 1 month | |||
King | Ellen | 15 | 12 | 1667 | Taken from meeting | To Bridewell Prison for 1 month | ||
King | Humphry | of South Newton | 1678 | For tithes of 40s. | 1 year in prison and corn and hay taken valued at £4 10s. | |||
King | Richard | at Milcomb | 1689 | For prædial tithes | Corn, hay and other things valued at £11 10s. taken | |||
Kirby | Richard | 1675 | For attending Friends meetings | 5 cows worth £12 10s. | ||||
Kite | Richard | of Upper Norton | 1658 | Exhortations and reproofs of priests | Imprisoned several times | |||
Kite | Richard | 1662 | Non-attendance at church | Distressed goods | ||||
Kite | Richard | Oxford | 11 | 1662 | Unlawful assembly | Fined £5 | ||
Kite | William | Oxford | 11 | 1662 | Unlawful assembly | Fined £5 for which goods taken | ||
Kiton | Mary | 15 | 12 | 1667 | Taken from meeting | To Bridewell Prison for 1 month | ||
Knight | Robert | Banbury | 11 | 1 | 1660 | Refused to take Oath of Allegiance | Banbury Gaol | |
Knight | Robert | 29 | 10 | 1665 | Taken at a meeting | Sentenced to 3 months in prison | ||
Knight | William | 1670 | For attending meetings | Goods taken to pay fine | ||||
Knowles | Joane | Oxford | 28 | 12 | 1684 | Being in silent worship in meeting house | Taken to Mayor and released on promise to appear at next Sessions | |
Knowles | Joane | Oxford | 15 | 1 | 1684/5 | Taken again while in silent worship | Imprisoned; refuse to enter into a recognizance, sent back to prison | |
Knowles | Nathaniel | 1658 | Refusal to doff hat to William Fiennes, Lord Say | 2 months in Oxford Gaol; at next Session sent to House of Corrections for 8 months and whipped. | ||||
Knowles | Nathaniel | Banbury | 11 | 1 | 1660 | Refused to take Oath of Allegiance | Banbury Gaol | |
Lamb | Daniel | Oxford | 28 | 12 | 1684 | Being in silent worship in meeting house | Taken to Mayor and released on promise to appear at next Sessions | |
Lamb | Daniel | Oxford | 15 | 1 | 1684/5 | Taken again while in silent worship | Imprisoned; refuse to enter into a recognizance, sent back to prison | |
Lamb | Joseph | Oxford | 28 | 12 | 1684 | Being in silent worship in meeting house | Taken to Mayor and released on promise to appear at next Sessions | |
Lamb | Joseph | Oxford | 15 | 1 | 1684/5 | Taken again while in silent worship | Imprisoned; refuse to enter into a recognizance, sent back to prison | |
Lamprey | Mary | Banbury | 1655 | Reproving vices of mayor & magistrates | Imprisoned 18 days | |||
Lamprey | Nathaniel | (Banbury) | 1659 | Refusal to pay assessment for repair of church | Distress of goods | |||
Lamprey | Nathaniel | Banbury | 1660 | Refusal to pay for repairs of church in Banbury | Excommunicated. | |||
Lamprey | Nathaniel | Banbury | 1 | 1660 | Refusal to take Oath of Allegiance | Committed to Oxford Gaol | ||
Lamprey | Nathaniel | Banbury | 8 | 1664 | Taken from meeting at Banbury | Imprisoned for 6 weeks | ||
Lancutt[i] | Anne | Oxford | 28 | 12 | 1684 | Being in silent worship in meeting house | Taken to Mayor and released on promise to appear at next Sessions | |
Lancutt[ii] | Anne | Oxford | 15 | 1 | 1684/5 | Taken again while in silent worship | Imprisoned; refuse to enter into a recognizance, sent back to prison | |
Lanket | Anne | 1670 | For attending meetings | Fined | ||||
Lanket | John | 1670 | For attending meetings | Fined | ||||
Larner | Thomas | Oxford | 11 | 1662 | Unlawful assembly | Fined | ||
Loe | Mary | Oxford | 1654 | Public testimony | Imprisonment | |||
Loe | Thomas | Oxford | 1654 | Public testimony | Imprisonment | |||
Loe | Thomas | Burford | 13 | 1 | 1660 | Refusal to take Oath of Allegiance | 7 weeks in Oxford Gaol; recommitted after again refused Oath | |
Long | John | Banbury | 1 | 1660 | Refusal to take Oath of Allegiance | Committed to Oxford Gaol | ||
Long | John | Banbury | 1662 | Attendance at Friends Meeting | Fined | |||
Long | John | Banbury | 8 | 1664 | Taken from meeting at Banbury | Imprisoned for 6 weeks | ||
Long | John | 1665 | Taken from meeting at Nor-Newton | Committed to House of Corrections for 1 month | ||||
Long | John | of Nethrop | 1683 | For tithes of milk at the suit of the vicar of Banbury | Sentenced for 6s. 8d. for tithes and £1 3s. 4d. for charges. Imprisoned for refusal to pay until some relation paid | |||
Long | John | Nethrop | 1689 | For prædial tithes | Corn, hay and other things worth £24 taken | |||
Lord | Edward | of Milton | Shipton | 1660 | Refusal to pay towards repair of Shipton church | Distress of goods to value of 40 s. | ||
Marshall | Edmund | Little Tew | 1689 | For prædial tithes | Corn, hay and other things worth £4 10s. taken | |||
Marshall | Thomas | Banbury | 1655 | Public assembly | Imprisoned | |||
Meakes | Richard | Sibford | 1689 | For prædial tithes | Corn, hay and other things taken | |||
Mecock | Richard | Banbury | 1660 | Refusal to pay for repairs of church in Banbury | Excommunicated. | |||
Mecock | Richard | Banbury | 1 | 1660 | Refusal to take Oath of Allegiance | Committed to Oxford Gaol | ||
Mercer | Thomas | 1674 | For attending meetings | Goods taken | ||||
Middleton | Robert | Burford | 1662 | Unlawful assembly at Burford | Imprisoned | |||
Miller | Richard | Banbury | 8 | 1664 | Taken from meeting at Banbury | Imprisoned for 6 weeks | ||
Miller | Thomas | Banbury | 8 | 1664 | Taken from meeting at Banbury | Imprisoned for 6 weeks | ||
Mills | Richard | Banbury | 1658 | Coming to meeting with Thomas Palmer | Had mare taken. Both mares valued at £5. | |||
Minchin | Thomas | Burford | 13 | 1 | 1660 | Refusal to take Oath of Allegiance | 7 weeks in Oxford Gaol | |
Minchin | Thomas | Oxford | 11 | 1662 | Unlawful assembly | Fined £5 for which goods taken | ||
Minchin | Thomas | Mercer of Burford | 8 | 1683 | For 11 month absence from church while in Oxford Gaol on a writ of excommunicato capiendo | £90 of goods taken from him | ||
Minchin | Thomas | A poor blind man of Burford | 23 | 3 | 1663/4 | Non-attendance at church | Sent to Oxford Gaol on writ of excommunicato capiendo where he served 8 ½ years | |
Minchin | Thomas | 1672 | Released from Oxford Gaol on letters patent by the King | |||||
Minchin | Thomas | of Burford | 1675 | For attending Friends meetings | Cloth worth £8 13s. 4d. | |||
Monk | Thomas | Witney | 1666 | Taken at meeting at home of Elizabeth White at Coggs near Witney | Committed to House of Corrections for 1 month | |||
Monk | Thomas | 1670 | For attending meetings | Goods taken to pay fine | ||||
Munch[iii] | Thomas | 1662 | Non-attendance at church | Distressed goods | ||||
Newman | Paul | Warwick | 1663 | Refusal to take Oath of Allegiance | 8 ½ years in prison | |||
Nichols | Thomas | Oxford | 11 | 1662 | Refused Oath of Allegiance while attending trial of their friends | Imprisoned | ||
Nichols | Thomas | of Oxford | 12 | 1665 | For opening his shop on Christmas day and refusing Oath of Allegiance | 6 months in prison | ||
Nichols | Thomas | 1666 | Non-attendance at church | “Kept under close confinement for a long time” | ||||
Nichols | Thomas | Oxford | 1670 | For meeting at Richard Betteris | Fined | |||
Nichols | Thomas | Oxford | 28 | 12 | 1684 | Being in silent worship in meeting house | Taken to Mayor and released on promise to appear at next Sessions | |
Nichols | Thomas | Oxford | 15 | 1 | 1684/5 | Taken again while in silent worship | Imprisoned; refuse to enter into a recognizance, sent back to prison | |
Norton | Silas | Oxford | 1662 | Refusal to take Oath of Allegiance | Imprisoned at Oxford | |||
Norton | Silas | Burford | 1662 | Unlawful assembly at Burford | Imprisoned | |||
Norton | Silas | 1670 | For attending meeting | £1 5s. worth of goods taken to pay fine | ||||
Norton | Silas | Oxford | 28 | 12 | 1684 | Being in silent worship in meeting house | Taken to Mayor and released on promise to appear at next Sessions | |
Norton | Silas | Oxford | 15 | 1 | 1684/5 | Taken again while in silent worship | Imprisoned; refused to enter into a recognizance, sent back to prison | |
Nutt | Anne | Sister of Laurence Willier | 1670 | For attending meetings | Goods taken to pay fine | |||
Ollive | Humfrey | Oxford | 1670 | For meeting at Richard Betteris | £14 8s. 3d. in goods taken from Ollive, Nichols & Willier for fine | |||
Palmer | Thomas | Banbury | 1658 | Coming to meeting | Had mare taken | |||
Palmer | William | of Horneton | 8 | 1688 | Summoned to Westminster in suit for 4 years of privy tithes for payment of 52s., and 5s. marriage fee, and 6s. mortuary fee | Taken by an Attachment to Oxford Gaol where he remained 2 years before releas by Act of Indemnity. However, he was reimprisoned for not appearing to former subpoena. | ||
Pardon | Thomas | 1689 | For prædial tithes | Corn, hay and other things taken | ||||
Parsons | John | 1658 | Tenant of Lord Say, who evicted his family from their home | Lived 3 weeks without shelter in cold. | ||||
Parsons | John | Broughton | 1658 | Attending meeting. Arrested by Lord Say | 25 weeks in Oxford Gaol | |||
Parsons | John | Banbury | 11 | 1 | 1660 | Refused to take Oath of Allegiance | Banbury Gaol | |
Parsons | Widow | 15 | 12 | 1667 | Taken from meeting | To Bridwell Prison for 1 month | ||
Pauling | John | 1675 | For attending Friends meetings | Goods taken | ||||
Pawling | William | 1670 | For attending meetings | Goods taken to pay fine | ||||
Penn | Thomas | 1674 | For attending meetings | Goods taken | ||||
Perry | Thomas | 1672 | Released from Oxford Gaol on letters patent by the King | |||||
Pettifer | William | Burford | 13 | 1 | 1660 | Refusal to take Oath of Allegiance | 7 weeks in Oxford Gaol | |
Pettifer | William | Oxford | 11 | 1662 | Unlawful assembly | Imprisoned and at next Assizes received sentence of praemunire. Held in prison 10 years. | ||
Pettifer | William | 1672 | Released from Oxford Gaol on letters patent by the King | |||||
Phillips | Henry | Banbury | 1660 | Refusal to pay for repairs of church in Banbury | Excommunicated. | |||
Phillips | Henry | Banbury | 1662 | Attendance at Friends Meeting | Fined | |||
Phillips | Henry | Banbury | 1662 | Refusal to take Oath of Allegiance | Imprisoned at Banbury | |||
Phillips | Henry | Banbury | 2 | 2 | 1663 | Refused required surety that would not attend meeting; refused oath | Sent to Oxford Gaol; sentence of praemunire; imprisoned 8 ½ years | |
Phillips | Henry | 1672 | Released from Oxford Gaol on letters patent by the King | |||||
Plumber | John | Banbury | 11 | 1 | 1660 | Refused to take Oath of Allegiance | Banbury Gaol | |
Potter | William | of Tadmarton | 1658 | Sabbath breaking for riding horse to meeting | Fined 10s and horse seized | |||
Potter | William | Banbury | 11 | 1 | 1660 | Refused to take Oath of Allegiance | Banbury Gaol | |
Potter | William | of Lower Tadmarton | 1689 | For prædial tithes | Corn, hay and other things taken | |||
Poultney | Timothy | of Adderbury | 1659 | Refusal to pay £4 in tithes | 15 months in Oxford Gaol | |||
Poultney | Timothy | Banbury | 1662 | Attendance at Friends Meeting | Fined | |||
Poultney | Timothy | of Adderbury | Milcomb | 1665 | Attendance at meeting at Milcomb | Imprisoned for 3 months for refusal to pay £5 fine | ||
Poultney | Timothy | 1674 | For attending meetings | Goods taken | ||||
Rawbone | Widow | 15 | 12 | 1667 | Taken from meeting | To Bridewell Prison for 1 month | ||
Reason | Nathanael | Some poor man | 2 | 1 | 1684/5 | Refusing to assist officers in taking goods from John Haynes | Imprisoned | |
Reeves | Thomas | of Great Tew | Milcomb | 1662 | Taken from meeting for non-attendance at church | 6 weeks at Oxford Gaol and fined £5 at Session for which goods worth £7 were taken | ||
Reeves | Thomas | of Great Tew | 2 | 1664 | Committed to Oxford Gaol on writ of excommnicato capiendo; died in prison after 6 ½ years. | |||
Reeves | Thomas | of Great Tew | 1665 | For a demand of Privy Tithes while in prison | 1 horse worth £5 taken | |||
Reeves | Thomas | of Great Tew | 1667 | 15s. in Tithes demanded while in prison | £6 in goods taken | |||
Reeves | William | Banbury | 11 | 1 | 1660 | Refused to take Oath of Allegiance | Banbury Gaol | |
Reynolds | John | Henley | 19 | 6 | 1663 | Taken from Meeting by sergeant | Released after 1 night in prison | |
Reynolds | Michael | Coggs | 1689 | For prædial tithes | Corn, hay and other things worth £3 17s. taken | |||
Roofe | Mary | 1675 | For attending Friends meetings | Goods taken | ||||
Ryeman | Abraham | 1666 | For attendance at Friends meeting | Imprisoned | ||||
Ryton | Mary | Oxford | 11 | 1662 | Unlawful assembly | Fined £5 for which goods taken | ||
Saunders | Mary | Witney | 1666 | Taken at meeting at home of Elizabeth White at Coggs near Witney | Committed to House of Corrections for 1 month | |||
Saunders | Mary | 15 | 12 | 1667 | Taken from meeting | To Bridewell Prison for 1 month | ||
Seacoal | Robert | Burford | 13 | 1 | 1660 | Refusal to take Oath of Allegiance | 7 weeks in Oxford Gaol & goods taken for transportation to gaol | |
Seacoal | Robert | Oxford | 11 | 1662 | Unlawful assembly | Fined £5; £8 of goods taken | ||
Seacoal | Robert | 25 | 8 | 1669 | Taken at meeting at Milton. Appeared at Quarter Sessions with hat on and fined 5 Marks which he refused to pay | Imprisoned for 6 months and distress made on his goods to pay fine | ||
Sessions | Anne | 15 | 12 | 1667 | Taken from meeting | To Bridewell Prison for 1 month | ||
Sessions | James | Burford | 13 | 1 | 1660 | Refusal to take Oath of Allegiance | 7 weeks in Oxford Gaol & goods taken for transportation to gaol | |
Sessions | James | Oxford | 11 | 1662 | Unlawful assembly | Fined £5 for which goods taken | ||
Sessions | James | 1669 | Attending Friends meeting | Fined 5 s., a load of wood taken | ||||
Sessions | Michael | Burford | 13 | 1 | 1660 | Refusal to take Oath of Allegiance | 7 weeks in Oxford Gaol & goods taken for transportation to gaol | |
Sessions | Michael | 1660 | Refusal to pay 4 s. in tithes | £2 5s in goods taken | ||||
Sessions | Michael | Oxford | 11 | 1662 | Unlawful assembly | Fined £5 for which goods taken | ||
Sessions | Michael | 25 | 8 | 1669 | Taken at meeting at Milton. Appeared at Quarter Sessions with hat on and fined 5 Marks which he refused to pay | Imprisoned for 6 months and distress made on his goods to pay fine | ||
Shackerly | John | Oxford | 1654 | Public testimony | Imprisonment | |||
Shackerly | John | Oxford | 1655 | Displeasing words to priest | 7 weeks in City prison | |||
Shackerly | John | Oxford | 1655 | Speaking against Vice-Chancellor | 28 weeks in prison | |||
Shackerly | John | Oxford | 1658 | Thrown out of house of Richard Bettris by the hair by Proctor | ||||
Shackerly | John | Oxford | 1662 | Refusal to take Oath of Allegiance | Imprisoned at Oxford | |||
Shackerly | John | 1670 | For attending meetings | Fined | ||||
Shelswell | Thomas | Banbury | 11 | 1 | 1660 | Refused to take Oath of Allegiance | Banbury Gaol | |
Shepherd | Edward | Banbury | 1660 | Refusal to pay for repairs of church in Banbury | Excommunicated. | |||
Shepherd | Edward | Banbury | 8 | 1664 | Taken from meeting at Banbury | Imprisoned for 6 weeks | ||
Simpson | William | Oxford | 1654 | Public testimony | Imprisonment | |||
Simpson | William | Banbury | 1655 | Public assembly | Imprisoned | |||
Smith | John | Banbury | 11 | 1 | 1660 | Refused to take Oath of Allegiance | Banbury Gaol | |
Smith | John | Banbury | 8 | 1664 | Taken from meeting at Banbury | Imprisoned for 6 weeks | ||
Smith | John Jr. | Banbury | 11 | 1 | 1660 | Refused to take Oath of Allegiance | Banbury Gaol | |
Soden | William | Sibford | 1689 | For prædial tithes | Corn, hay and other things taken | |||
Spiers | Thomas | Banbury | 11 | 1 | 1660 | Refused to take Oath of Allegiance | Banbury Gaol | |
Staple | William | of Hook Norton | 28 | 4 | 1679 | For tithes of £4 12 s. claimed by priest | Died in prison after 3 months | |
Staples | Benjamin | of Chadlington | 1659 | Called before Exchequer for payment of tithes, refused oath | 40 weeks imprisonment | |||
Staples | Benjamin | 1659 | Refusal to pay assessment for repair of church | Distress of goods | ||||
Staples | Benjamin | 1660 | Refusal to take Oath of Allegiance | Sentenced to praemunire, forfeiture of all land and property & imprisoned | ||||
Staples | Benjamin | 1661 | Refusal to pay £2 1s in tithes | Cattle worth £5 5s taken from him | ||||
Staples | Benjamin | Oxford | 11 | 1662 | Unlawful assembly | Fined; £5 worth of goods taken | ||
Staples | Benjamin | of Chadlington | 1665 | Refusal to pay 2s. 1d. in tithes | £4 8s. in goods taken | |||
Staples | Benjamin | of Chadlington | 1667 | Refusal to pay £6 6s. 6d. in tithes | £20 16s. 6d. in goods taken | |||
Stevens | Joseph | 1672 | Released from Oxford Gaol on letters patent by the King | |||||
Stow | John | 29 | 10 | 1665 | Taken at a meeting | Sentenced to 3 months in prison | ||
Stow | John | of Great Tew | 1672 | For failure to pay tithes | Goods worth £5 18s. | |||
Stow | John | Great Tew | 1689 | For prædial tithes | Corn, hay and other things taken | |||
Strange | William | Banbury | 8 | 1664 | Taken from meeting at Banbury | Imprisoned for 6 weeks | ||
Strank | Thomas | of Milcomb | 1674 | For tithes claimed by priest of Widdington | Committed to Oxford Gaol | |||
Strank | Thomas | 1679 | Suit by priest of Widdington | Had corn, cows and sheep taken valued at £42 5s. 6d. | ||||
Strank | Thomas | Banbury | 1684 | For absence from National Worship | Fined | |||
Strank | Thomas | Banbury | 18 | 1 | 1684/5 | For attending meeting in the home of John Parsons | Goods valued at £2 4s. 3d. taken | |
Stone | John | Banbury | 1684 | For absence from National Worship | Fined | |||
Taylor | Clement | Henley | 19 | 6 | 1663 | Taken from Meeting by sergeant | Released after 1 night in prison | |
Taylor | Thomas | of Norley | 1659 | Refusal to pay tithes | Imprisoned | |||
Taylor | Thomas | Witney | 1666 | Taken at meeting at home of Elizabeth White at Coggs near Witney | Committed to House of Corrections for 1 month | |||
Taylor | Thomas | 1670 | For attending meetings | Goods taken to pay fine | ||||
Taylor | Thomas | Shetford | 1689 | For prædial tithes | Corn, hay and other things worth £4 taken | |||
Tomkins | George | 1659 | Refusal to pay assessment for repair of church | Distress of goods | ||||
Tomkins | George | Banbury | 11 | 1 | 1660 | Refused to take Oath of Allegiance | Banbury Gaol | |
Tomkins | George | 1661 | Refusal to pay £2 3s 4d in tithes | Goods valued at £5 5s taken from him and imprisoned for 11 weeks | ||||
Tomkins | George | Banbury | 1662 | Attendance at Friends Meeting | Fined | |||
Tomkins | George | of Milcomb | 1663 | £5 13s 4d claimed for tithes | £23 worth of cattle taken | |||
Tomkins | George | 29 | 10 | 1665 | Taken at a meeting | Sentenced to 3 months in prison | ||
Tomkins | George | of Milcomb | 1672 | For non-payment of tithes | 5 cows taken | |||
Tomkins | George | of Milcomb | 1679 | Suit by priest of Widdington | Had sheep, corn, hay and peas seized valued at £100 | |||
Tomkins | John | 1674 | For tithes claimed by priest of Widdington | 29 sheep and 3 cows worth £20 | ||||
Tomkins | William | 1689 | For prædial tithes | Corn, hay and other things taken worth £5 3s. | ||||
Thompson | Simon | 1658 | Refusal to doff hat to William Fiennes, Lord Say | 2 months in Oxford Gaol; at next Session sent to House of Corrections for 8 months | ||||
Thompson | Simon | Broughton | 1658 | Attending meeting. Arrested by Lord Say | 25 weeks in Oxford Gaol | |||
Thompson | Simon | 1658 | Tenant of Lord Say, who evicted his family frm their home | Lived 3 weeks without shelter in cold. | ||||
Thompson | Simon | Banbury | 11 | 1 | 1660 | Refused to take Oath of Allegiance | Banbury Gaol | |
Thompson | Simon | 29 | 10 | 1665 | Taken at a meeting | Sentenced to 3 months in prison | ||
Thorp | John | 1672 | Released from Oxford Gaol on letters patent by the King | |||||
Thorp | Robert | 1672 | Released from Oxford Gaol on letters patent by the King | |||||
Tidmarsh | Giles | of Chipping Norton | Chipping Norton | 1660 | Refusal to pay for repairs of church | Gaoled on Writ de Excommunicato capiendo[iv] for 7 years | ||
Tidmarsh | Giles | 1662 | Non-attendance at church | Distressed goods | ||||
Tidmarsh | Giles | Oxford | 11 | 1662 | Unlawful assembly | Fined £5 for which goods taken | ||
Tidmarsh | Thomas | 1662 | Non-attendance at church | Distressed goods | ||||
Times | Edward | Banbury | 11 | 1 | 1660 | Refused to take Oath of Allegiance | Banbury Gaol | |
Timms | Sarah | Banbury | 1655 | Exhorting the priest in the grave yard | Beaten & imprisoned half a year | |||
Tredwell | Richard | Sibford | 1689 | For prædial tithes | Corn, hay and other things taken | |||
Treppass | James | 1674 | For attending meetings | Goods taken | ||||
Tully | Thomas | Roakes | 1689 | For prædial tithes | Corn, hay and other things worth £5 4s. 6d. taken | |||
Turner | John | 1670 | For attending meetings | Goods taken to pay fine | ||||
Turner | John | 1675 | For attending Friends meetings | Goods taken | ||||
Turner | Lucy | 15 | 12 | 1667 | Taken from meeting | To Bridewell Prison for 1 month | ||
Upton | Thomas | Burford | 1662 | Unlawful assembly at Burford | Imprisoned | |||
Upton | Thomas | Oxford | 28 | 12 | 1684 | Being in silent worship in meeting house | Taken to Mayor and released on promise to appear at next Sessions | |
Upton | Thomas | Oxford | 15 | 1 | 1684/5 | Taken again while in silent worship | Imprisoned; refuse to enter into a recognizance, sent back to prison | |
Vivers | Edward | 1659 | Refusal to pay assessment for repair of church | Distress of goods | ||||
Vivers | Edward | Banbury | 1660 | Refusal to pay for repairs of church in Banbury | Excommunicated. | |||
Vivers | Edward | Banbury | 1 | 1660 | Refusal to take Oath of Allegiance | Committed to Oxford Gaol | ||
Vivers | Edward | Banbury | 1662 | Attendance at Friends Meeting | Fined | |||
Vivers | Edward | Banbury | 1662 | Refusal to take Oath of Allegiance | Imprisoned at Banbury | |||
Vivers | Edward | Banbury | 8 | 1664 | Taken from meeting at Banbury | Imprisoned for 6 weeks | ||
Vivers | Edward | 9 | 1665 | Arrested at work without charges | Committed to prison for 2 years 7 months | |||
Vivers | Edward | Banbury | 1684 | For absence from National Worship | Fined | |||
Vivers | Edward | Banbury | 3 | 8 | 1684 | For praying in the street | Fined £20 and had goods valued £25 3s. 9d. taken from him | |
Vivers | Richard | Banbury | 1684 | For absence from National Worship | Fined | |||
Wagstaff | James | of Banbury | Banbury | 1658 | Refusing to swear | Fined 40s and goods taken by distress | ||
Wagstaff | James | 1659 | Refusal to pay assessment for repair of church | Distress of goods | ||||
Wagstaff | James | Banbury | 1660 | Refusal to pay for repairs of church in Banbury | Excommunicated. | |||
Wagstaff | James | Banbury | 1 | 1660 | Refusal to take Oath of Allegiance | Committed to Oxford Gaol | ||
Wagstaff | James | Banbury | 1662 | Refusal to take Oath of Allegiance | Imprisoned at Banbury | |||
Wagstaff | James | Warwick | 1663 | Refusal to take Oath of Allegiance | 8 ½ years in prison | |||
Wagstaff | William | Banbury | 1684 | For absence from National Worship | Fined | |||
Waller | John | 1662 | Non-attendance at church | Distressed goods | ||||
Walter | Edward | 25 | 8 | 1669 | Taken at meeting at Milton. Appeared at Quarter Sessions with hat on and fined 5 Marks which he refused to pay | Imprisoned for 6 months | ||
Ward | Benjamin | Tadmarton | 15 | 1 | 1660 | Refusal to pay tithes to priest of Tadmarton | 15 months in Oxford Gaol | |
Ward | Benjamin | of Tadmarton | 10 | 1665 | Attendance at meeting at Milcomb | Imprisoned for 3 months for refusal to pay £5 fine | ||
Ward | Benjamin | 1674 | For tithes claimed of £3 | 42 sheep valued at £20 | ||||
Ward | Benjamin | Lower Tadmarton | 1689 | For prædial tithes | Corn, hay and other things taken | |||
Warwick | William | 1674 | For attending meetings | Goods taken | ||||
Waters | William | of Henley | 1663 | Holding meetings at his house | Excommunicated, imprisoned in Oxford Gaol for 6 months | |||
Watts | Anne | 1662 | Non-attendance at church | Distressed goods | ||||
Watts | Anne | 1674 | For attending meetings | Goods taken | ||||
Watts | John | 10 | 1665 | Attendance at meeting at Milcomb | Imprisoned for 5 months for refusal to pay £5 fine | |||
Watts | John | 1666 | For attendance at Friends meeting | Imprisoned | ||||
Waugh | Jane | Banbury | 1655 | Testimony against deceit in the market | Imprisoned 5 weeks | |||
Waugh | Jane | 1658 | Refused Oath of Abjuration after 5 weeks illegal confinement | Imprisoned 5 weeks and then recommitted. | ||||
Waugh | Jane | Banbury | 1662 | Refusal to take Oath of Allegiance | Imprisoned | |||
Weaver | James | Oxford | 11 | 1662 | Unlawful assembly | Fined | ||
Wells | Edward | Banbury | 1684 | For absence from National Worship | Fined | |||
Weston | George | of Stansfield | 27 | 12 | 1665 | Religious non-conformity | Committed to prison under writ of excommunicato capiendo for 8 years | |
Weston | George | 1672 | Released from Oxford Gaol on letters patent by the King | |||||
Weston | Nathaniel | Banbury | 1655 | Public assembly | Imprisoned for 11 months & fined £5 for refusing to pay Gaoler’s fees. | |||
Wheeler | Alice | 15 | 12 | 1667 | Taken from meeting | To Bridewell Prison for 1 month | ||
Wheeler | Henry | 1670 | For attending meetings | Wearing apparel taken to pay fine | ||||
Wheeler | Henry | 1674 | For attending meetings | Goods taken | ||||
Wheeler | John | Witney | 1666 | Taken at meeting at home of Elizabeth White at Coggs near Witney | Committed to House of Corrections for 1 month | |||
Wheeler | John | 1675 | For attending Friends meetings | 3 cows, a calf, brass, pewter & other things valued at £16 | ||||
Wheeler | Mary | 1662 | Non-attendance at church | Distressed goods | ||||
Willett | John | Burford | 13 | 1 | 1660 | Refusal to take Oath of Allegiance | 7 weeks in Oxford Gaol | |
Willett | John | Oxford | 11 | 1662 | Unlawful assembly | 10 weeks in Oxford Gaol then transferred to Bridewell for 1 month | ||
Willett | Robert | Burford | 13 | 1 | 1660 | Refusal to take Oath of Allegiance | 7 weeks in Oxford Gaol & goods taken for transportation to gaol | |
Willett | Robert | Oxford | 11 | 1662 | Unlawful assembly | Fined £5 and imprisoned, dying not long afterwards. | ||
Willier | Laurence | Oxford | 1654 | Reproving Chancellor for persecutions | A few days in county gaol | |||
Willier | Laurence | Oxford | 1662 | Refusal to take Oath of Allegiance | Imprisoned at Oxford | |||
Willier | Laurence | 1663 | Refusal to take Oath of Allegiance | Imprisoned 6 months | ||||
Willier | Laurence | Oxford | 1670 | For meeting at Richard Betteris | Fined | |||
Willier | Laurence | 1670 | For attending meetings | Goods taken to pay fine | ||||
William | William | 1670 | For attending meetings | Goods taken to pay fine | ||||
Winchcomb | Walter | 1670 | For attending meetings | Wearing apparel taken to pay fine | ||||
Windows | Richard | 1670 | For attending meetings | Goods taken to pay fine | ||||
Wise | William | 1662 | Non-attendance at church | Distressed goods | ||||
Wise | William | 1670 | For attending meetings | Goods taken to pay fine | ||||
Wise | William | of Leaw near Bampton | 1675 | For attending Friends meetings | 3 cows and pewter worth £11 | |||
Withers | Anne | 15 | 12 | 1667 | Taken from meeting | To Bridewell Prison for 1 month | ||
Woodfield | John | 1664 | Refusal to pay 17s 6d in tithes | 4 cows worth £9 taken | ||||
Wrenn | John | 1672 | Released from Oxford Gaol on letters patent by the King | |||||
Wright | Benjamin | Banbury | 11 | 1 | 1660 | Refused to take Oath of Allegiance | Banbury Gaol | |
Wright | Richard | of Henley | 1662 | Refused to have his children baptized | Gaoled at Oxford under a writ de excommunicato capiendo for 6 ½ years | |||
Wyatt | John | 1678 | For tithes | Imprisoned at Oxford | ||||
Yarnton | Margaret | 1670 | For attending meetings | Goods taken to pay fine | ||||
Yearton | Simon | 1675 | For attending Friends meetings | 1 cow worth £4 | ||||
Yearton | Thomas | 1675 | For attending Friends meetings | Goods taken | ||||
Young | Edward | of Milton | 12 | 10 | 1683 | Absence from parish church | Goods valued at £60 taken from him |
Names in Italics are Friends from outside of Oxfordshire, but persecuted in Oxfordshire.
[i] Probably the same person as Anne Lanket.
[ii] Probably the same person as Anne Lanket.
[iii] This may be the same person as Thomas Monk.
[iiii] The Writ De Excommunicato Capiendo Act 1562 (5 Eliz 1 c 23): A writ de excommunicato capiendo (Latin for “taking one who is excommunicated”) was a writ commanding the sheriff to arrest one who was excommunicated, and imprison him till he should become reconciled to the church. (Wikipedia)