QFHS aims to support research of interest and value to Quaker family historians, and wishes to assist projects that can fulfil this aim. The Quaker Family History Society is keen to support the research into Quakers within the United Kingdom. The society has limited funds available and is desirous to assist those interested in undertaking such research which will be of benefit to Quaker family historians. Small Research Awards will be made on an annual basis.
Please read these guidelines carefully. They contain important information relating to your application for funding and not following these guidelines may jeopardise your application.
*** Note: To encourage new applications previous recipients however worthy, will not be considered ***
Application deadline is 31st December 2022, this should be emailed to arrive by this date. Applications received after this will be held over to the following year. Awards will be considered in January 2023 and the results formally announced in the March 2023 Quaker Connections. Successful applicants will be expected to complete their work by the following March.
Submitting your application: The application form downloadable here is in either Word (Docx) or PDF format. If you have any difficulty using these formats or any other query please email the QFHS Secretary secretary@qfhs.co.uk. If you're using Firefox, depending on your settings the file may go direct to your Downloads folder, so please check there. Email your completed form to the QFHS Secretary
Click here for 2023 Small Research Application Form (PDF) Click here for 2023 Small Research Application Form (Docx)
When completing your application, please note the following carefully:
- Size of QFHS grants
The maximum normally awarded in any year will be £750. The QFHS reserves the right to support a single, multiple or no projects in any one year subject to the maximum specified. Competition may be strong, but this should not deter applicants with good projects.
- Funding areas
We aim to support any research that is of interest and value to Quaker family historians. In supporting projects we will consider applications seeking financial assistance for any of the following: • Reasonable travel costs to archival depositories (Record Offices, Local History Libraries etc) • Reproduction costs (photocopying, digital copies etc) • Support towards publication of research
- Consideration of your application Applications are circulated to members of the QFHS Committee who will make a decision at the January 2023 meeting. Applications will be contacted after this meeting to inform them if they have been successful.
- Reporting back to the QFHS A strict condition of accepting an award is that successful applicants will submit a 500-word report on the results of their work within three months of the completion of the project. This report should clearly state the main findings and implications of the work, and plans for dissemination of the results by printed publication or other means. A copy of any papers published (which should include acknowledgement of the grant received from QFHS) should also be submitted to the society. If appropriate, a suitably edited version of the report will be published in Quaker Connections.
- Loss of an award / return of award If the QFHS is not satisfied that the funds it has awarded have been spent as per the application for which funding was sought, then the QFHS reserves the right to request for the award to be returned
- Unsuccessful applicant If your application has been unsuccessful, then you will receive notification of this by email. There is no bar on unsuccessful applicants resubmitting proposals at a later date. No correspondence will be entered into with regards an unsuccessful application and/or the feedback offered to the applicant.