The Quaker Family History Society was formed in 1993 and is a member of the Family History Federation. It is a registered charity, whose stated objectives include the encouragement of the study of Quaker family history and the dissemination of information about it. Our main aim is to encourage and assist anyone interested in tracing the history of Quaker families in the British Isles.
In support of these aims QFHS
⦁ issues a journal, Quaker Connections, three times a year (free to members)
⦁ holds one-day meetings in Spring and Autumn at various locations across thte country, and an AGM in central London, normally in June or July. These events also provide a chance to meet other people with similar interests.
We are not a Quaker organisation, and membership is open to anyone interested in the history of British or Irish Quakers. Our members include:
⦁ Family historians with Quaker ancestors
⦁ Those making a start on family history, who wish to learn about their British Quaker ancestors
⦁ Quakers with an interest in Quaker history, including that of their local meeting
Our contact email address is