General Terms | | |
Act of Parliament | In Quaker documents |
Affidavit | a written statement as to the truth of the contents |
Affirmant | a person, especially a Quaker, who affirmed to the |
Affirmed | a statement made in public. Quakers declared and affirmed in legal |
Ale | a drink brewed from water, malted barley |
Alienation | transfer of the title or property to another person |
Andirons or Firedogs | Two upright and horizontal Iron bars used to support |
Annoque Domini (Latin) | In the Year of Our Lord |
Annuity | annual payment |
Anticipation | payment of an annuity in advance |
Apiece | each |
Appurtances | the rights attached to a property, such as rights of |
Arable Land | land used for growing crops |
Assigns | any person who was acting in place of the owner or |
| |
Backsides | rear of the property, or outhouses and yard at the |
Beasts | normally cattle |
Beaufet | Low |
Behoof | benefit, advantage or use |
Bequest (see Devise) | a gift of personal property made in a will |
Betwixt | between two people or items |
Bolster | a long thick pillow, normally used underneath other |
Bond | a written contract between the bond holder and others |
Boulting | Mill |
Brandirons | an iron grid or trivet for supporting cooking pots |
Butt | a barrel containing around 126 gallons of liquid |
| |
Camera Obscura | the forerunner of a modern camera, an image of an |
Cattels and Chattels | any moveable personal property or effects |
Caveat | a warning of specific stipulations or conditions |
Caveat emptor | buyer beware |
Chaise | Light |
Chaldron | a dry measure of coal or grain around 34 bushels |
Chamber | room, often a bedroom |
Charger | large flat serving dish often made of pewter |
Chased | Normally |
Close | enclosed field |
Close | Wooden |
Cobirons | iron bars put over a fire to support a spit. (see also Andirons and Brandirons) |
Codicil | an addition in writing made to a will and witnessed. |
Coffer | wooden chest for holding clothes, papers, money or valuables |
Conveyance | the legal transfer of property from one person to |
Copper | large vessel made of copper, used for storing hot or |
Copyhold | property or land rented from the owner, normally the |
Court Baron | a court set up by the Lord of the Manor or his |
Cousin German | a first cousin, the term “cousin” was often used for |
Coverlid | a coverlet or bedspread |
Coverture | the legal process where a married woman’s rights |
| |
Declared | to openly or publically |
Deed | a document or contract which gave the holder the |
Desperate debt | a debt that is likely to be irrecoverable or |
Destrain | to seize a property in order to recover money owing |
Devise (see bequest) | a gift of actual property made in a will |
Diaper (see | a piece of cloth, normally linen or cotton, either |
Dower or Thirds | the right of a wife to claim on the death of her |
Dumb Waiter | a small portable table or stand |
| |
Executor | man or sometimes a woman who was appointed to carry |
Executrix | woman who was appointed to carry out a will and |
Expectancy | the possibility of future enjoyment on property or |
| |
Featherbed | a mattress stuffed with feathers |
Fee Simple | Unconditional inheritance |
Flock mattress | a mattress stuffed with wool rather than feathers |
Freebench | a right of a widow to retain control of some of her |
Freehold | land actually owned by a person |
| |
Gig | a light carriage with two wheels, normally pulled by |
Going | Mill |
Guardian | a person appointed to take care of another, often a |
| |
Harrateen | Linen |
Heifer | young cow |
Hereditament | a property able to be passed on |
Herring Hang | a building used for smoking or storing herrings |
Holden | held or kept |
Holland | linen cloth |
Homestall | Homestead |
Hotch | A |
| |
Joyned or Joynted | wooden furniture made by a joiner with mortice and |
| |
Imprimis (Latin) | in the first place |
Indenture | a legal written agreement or contract |
Indifferent persons | impartial people |
Interlined | word or words inserted between the lines of a |
Intestate | someone who died without leaving a will |
Inventory | a list of personal and household goods left by the |
Issue of his/her body | children |
| |
Joint Tenants | two or more people who owned the same property or |
Jointure | an agreement made before a marriage to guarantee the |
Kiver | large bowl or basin for mixing and preparing food, |
| |
Leasehold | property or land rented or leased to a person for |
Legacy | an amount of money or property left to someone in a |
Legacy duty | a tax imposed on a legacy, an inheritance tax |
Letters of Administration | a grant to the person or persons who applied to |
Linen | items made of linen either household or clothing |
| |
Malt | sprouted and dried barley used for brewing beer and |
Malting or | building where grain is malted. Can also be called a Malting Office |
Manor | an estate, held by the Lord or Lady of the Manor, |
Mead | either a drink made from honey or a meadow |
Messuage | Property or dwelling house with adjoining land and |
Minority | under the age of 21 years (changed to under 18 in |
Moiety | half part |
More | descendents such as |
| |
Napkin | a square piece of cloth, normally linen or cotton |
Neat | Net |
Nee | maiden name |
Nuncupative | will made before witnesses by word of mouth, but not |
Objects of Vertu | Small luxury items made of precious metals or jewels |
Pannikin | Metal |
Pasture Land | land growing grass for grazing of animals of various |
Per Capita (Latin) | “by head” in land or |
Per Stirpes (Latin) | “by root” in land or |
Pewter | a metal used for making dishes, plates, and tankards |
Pillow bear, beere or bere | pillow case or covering |
Plate | items made of metal especially silver |
Press | tall item of furniture made of wood used for storing |
Probate | the process of proving the validity of the will and |
Porringer | small individual bowl often with two flats handles |
Press | cupboard |
Purparts | a share or part of a division |
| |
Relict | Widow |
Reversion | return of property to the original owner after the |
Revoke | officially cancel |
Rowle | a farm implement, possibly a roller of some kind |
| |
Safe | a ventilated chest for storing foodstuffs or a |
Salt | a container for salt as well as the contents |
Save harmless | protect someone against financial harm |
Seal | a mark made into red wax by a metal ring or stamp, |
Shagreen | sharkskin or rough hide |
Sperate debt | the debts a woman had prior to her marriage (see |
Spinster | unmarried woman |
Spit | iron bar for roasting meat over a fire |
Staddle stone | mushroom shaped stone under a barn or hayrick to |
Steer | young bull calf between 2 to 4 years old |
| |
Taster | a wide shallow cup or glass |
Tenants in Common | owner of a specific share in a property whose share |
Tenement | house or other building or land |
Tent | Bed |
Testator | the man who made the will |
Testatrix | the woman who made the will |
Tester | a wooden canopy above a bed |
Thrawl | a stone slab or shelf to keep food cool in a |
Ticking | a strong material used for covering matresses |
Tithe | a tenth part, Payment due by all people living |
Trencher | a wooden plate |
Trivet | a three legged iron stand |
Truckle bed | a low bed designed to fit under a normal bed, often |
Tumbril | an open cart which could tip backwards to empty its |
| |
Wainscot | wood panelling on the walls of a room or a panelled |
Warming pan | a metal pan with a long handle which could be filled |
Wearing apparel | clothes including underwear and footwear |
Will and Testament | the written document disposing of a person’s |
| |
Yoting Vat | trough for soaking and fermenting barley when making |