(a) to promote and encourage the public study of family history, genealogy, heraldry, and local history, with particular reference to Quakers worldwide;
(b) to promote the preservation, security and accessibility of archival material; and
(c) to promote and engage in educational activities including the issue of a regular journal and the publication and sale of appropriate material.
QFHS runs a Public Facebook Group.
It’s free to non-members and members.
Anyone can read but to post or answer any message you need to join.
Quaker-British-Isles group!
It’s free to non QFHS Members and Members
To subscribe,
email Quaker-British-Isles+subscribe@groups.io.
After you’ve subscribed, you’ll be able to choose email delivery options.
NB This group is very versatile:
you’ll be able to
QFHS offers its Margaret Bennett, Small Research Award (named after our Founder), which takes the form of an annual grant or grants to support research likely to be of value to Quaker family historians.
Grants may be made to assist with
View full application details, obligations and restrictions here. Funds are limited!
Our aim is pursued in part by the Society usually holding three meetings and issuing three numbers of its journal Quaker Connections. In non-pandemic times two regional meetings move to different parts of the country not recently covered. The Annual General Meeting and Conference were held in London as required by our constitution. All meetings are open to the public, except that non-members of the Society cannot participate in formal AGM business. The Regional Meetings are joined by local Friends, local U3A members and others. The Society Bookstall has been present where possible at Regional Meetings.
'Necessity is the mother of invention', they say and during the Covid 19 Pandemic QFHS have ventured into holding online, international Zoom talks and it has been really great to meet those unable to attend meetings in person as well as old friends.
Summaries of the various talks are published in Quaker Connections, along with a wide range of other articles and news items bearing on Quaker family history, mainly contributed by members of the Society. As well as being sent to members of QFHS, the journal is distributed to certain libraries.
One precious legacy of QFHS is the past copies of our magazine Quaker Connections. Not only have all the past copies been digitalised but work is in hand to provide online digital searchable indexes of them in various forms such as Content, Surname and Subject.
The QFHS website is being updated. We reach out to all through this and our Groups-io mailing list and our Facebook group keeping all informed of our activities. The website acts as a free public source of information about resources for Quaker family history, and members of the public can in addition request information through the e-mail address info@qfhs.co.uk. Our other educational activities include participation in family history fairs whether virtually or in person. We produce a hand out Society information leaflet. We have in the past had a stall at the Friends Yearly Gathering Fair.
Our Margaret Bennett Small Research Award encourages all to have a go and contribute to our community whilst also achieving something worthwhile for themselves.