Quaker Family History Society                   for family historians with Quaker ancestors from the British Isles


– Calling all members – Great opportunities!

– Important note for paid QFHS members – do  we have your latest email?

QFHS – Zoom meeting 24th July at 7p.m. BST

            – George Fox's birth 400 years ago see below

– Huddersfield fair 25th October 2024 (details coming soon)

Important note for Paid Members

Please check your subscription is up todate AND that we have your latest email address.


Lets celibrate 400 years since George Fox’s birth

Quaker Family History Society

George Fox Zoom celebration Meeting open to all.

On the 24th  July 7pm BST


In celebration of the birth of George Fox who was born in July 1624 and died in January1691,

 we are asking for you to search your Family History archives!

Did one or more of your ancestors meet George Fox in his lifetime?

Do you have documentary proof of the meeting?

If so are you able and willing to share what you have with us at this Zoom Meeting.

If so please let Ben Beck,  our Chair,  know a.s.a.p. by email to  chair@qfhs.co.uk

(if you wish to do a short presentation please let Ben know the subject, the time it will last and if you will be showing slides etc. for us to aid the meeting planning, thanks.)

Come on members in USA and Barbados! –  this includes you, as George Fox did travel there so may have visited your meeting!


…. But many of your ancestors may have been convinced later on.

In that case see if you can find when and where they first became Quakers.

We would also like to hear about the earliest Quaker ancestor you have found.

If you would like to speak a word or two about them, again please let Ben know a.s.a.p. by email to  chair@qfhs.co.uk

Please state whether you are are a paid member of QFHS  quoting  your membership number.

(Priority will be given to paid members if time is short.)

If you would just like to attend the zoom call,there is no charge but again, let Ben know before the 24th July  by email to  chair@qfhs.co.uk quoting your membership number if you are a member. He will send you the Zoom link.

Let’s  make this a special QFHS  celebration of 400 years since George Fox was born!